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Circuit Training With Kettlebells

Kettlebell circuit training is anything but boring, it builds your cardiovascular fitness and strengthens your muscles all at the same time. Kettlebell exercises performed in a circuit condition the whole body and increases strength and stamina.

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Circuit Training Exercises Using Kettlebells

Circuit training exercises using kettlebells owe their very creation to the University of Leeds. Back in 1953 R.E Morgan and G.T Anderson developed the concept of circuit training and since then many training systems have formed on the back of this.

The basic principles of circuit training have remained the same for over 50 years now and many sports specific training regimes have been given birth to as a result of this.

Boxercise, and indeed most Boxing training regimes owes its foundations to circuit training. Circuit training exercises were shown a long time ago to aid in the improvement of cardio vascular capabilities and muscular endurance. Anyone who has walked through the doors of a Boxing gym in the last 40 years or so will have noted athletes alternating from short Skipping sessions to small sessions on the Heavy Bags and moving around work stations like a man possessed.

The ever popular Body Pump classes that are oversubscribed in most Gym's also owes a lot to the creation of circuit training. During these classes participants are required to move around a number of work stations which usually comprise of Barbells, Dumbbells, Benches and exercise mats to perform different exercises for short period of times before moving to the next work station.

Using Kettlebells to perform circuit training exercises has become very popular in the last Decade or so. One of the main reasons for this is that more often than not, a number of workstations are not needed as most kettlebell exercises can be performed simply with one pair of Kettlebells. Kettlebell circuits are usually performed with a set muscle group involved and you will find that the most popular circuits are divided into 4 categories; Legs, Upper Body, Core and Full Body Movements.

Circuit Training Exercises For Legs

The traditional circuit training set up had between 9 and 12 work stations; this is not needed in order for you to work your Legs into a frenzy using Kettlebell exercises. A simple circuit would be made up as follows;

The Goblet Squat - 20 Reps

Kettlebell Calf Raises - 20 Reps

The Hindu Squat - 20 Reps

This basic circuit would be repeated up to ten times depending on level of fitness. The tempo of this is slightly slower than a HIIT cardio routine and the athlete would be best advised to perform a set and pause 45 seconds before performing the next exercise. After one complete circuit (one set of each of the three exercises), a brief rest period of 90 seconds would be advisable before restarting the circuit.

Circuit Training Exercises for the Upper Body

The traditional circuit training set up had between 9 and 12 work stations; this is not needed in order for you to work the main muscle groups in your upper body using Kettlebell exercises. A simple circuit would be made up as follows;

Kettlebell Push-Ups - 12 Reps

Kettlebell Row - 12 Reps

Kettlebell Shoulder Press - 12 Reps

Kettlebell Curls - 12 Reps

Kettlebell Bench Press - 12 Reps

This basic circuit would be repeated up to six times depending on level of fitness. The tempo of this is slightly slower than a HIIT cardio routine and the athlete would be best advised to perform a set and pause 45 seconds before performing the next exercise. After one complete circuit (one set of each of the five exercises), a brief rest period of 90 seconds would be advisable before restarting the circuit.

Circuit Training Exercises for the Core

The traditional circuit training set up had between 9 and 12 work stations; this is not needed in order for you to work the main muscle groups in your core using Kettlebell exercises. A simple circuit would be made up as follows;

Kettlebell Slingshot - 20 Reps (10 in each direction)

Half Crunches Holding Kettlebell - 20 Reps

Hanging Leg raises (with or without weight, depending on your fitness levels) - 10 Reps

The Hindu Squat - 20 Reps

This basic circuit would be repeated up to ten times depending on level of fitness. The tempo of this is slightly slower than a HIIT cardio routine and the athlete would be best advised to perform a set and pause 45 seconds before performing the next exercise. After one complete circuit (one set of each of the three exercises), a brief rest period of 90 seconds would be advisable before restarting the circuit.

Circuit Training Exercises For The Whole Body

The traditional circuit training set up had between 9 and 12 work stations; this is not needed in order for you to work the main muscle groups in tandem using Kettlebell exercises. A simple circuit would be made up as follows;

Kettlebell Swing - 20 Reps

Kettlebell Clean - 20 Reps

Goblet Squat - 20 Reps

Kettlebell Shoulder Press - 12 Reps

Kettlebell Bench Press - 12 Reps

This basic circuit would be repeated up to six times depending on level of fitness. The tempo of this is slightly slower than a HIIT cardio routine and the athlete would be best advised to perform a set and pause 45 seconds before performing the next exercise. After one complete circuit (one set of each of the five exercises), a brief rest period of 90 seconds would be advisable before restarting the circuit.

The Benefits Of Circuit Training Exercises

Circuit training exercises are a great way to improve you overall fitness levels and as previously mentioned, most Boxing sessions are conducted in a circuit training manner. This is true of most self defence classes, it is always advisable to include some sort of self defence in your regular training

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